Wednesday, December 31, 2014

{2014} In Review

I thought I would share some of our favorite pictures, memories, and blog posts from each month of 2014. 

Many bloggers are doing this at the moment and it's been fun to read and reread their posts. I'm amazed at the beautiful writing and reflections they have of their year! Unfortunately you won't find that here! ; )

Anyway . . . some things I did noticed is that I had a ton of Quick Takes and Daybooks and not many subject specfic post. This is something I want to work on for next year. I want to take a topic and write about it. Of course, I enjoy doing Daybooks and I get good response to those (who doesn't when you spill your heart!) and will continue those. I'm hoping a few less checking in sort of posts.

Well, here is a quick glance at the year on the blog!

January's most popular post, 7 Quick Takes Friday~Homeschool Edition~1/3/2014. We celebrated a new teenager in the house. Caleb turned 13 and we got a nice day to go outside and take some pictures.

February's most popular post, The Homeschool Path {Planning Eighth Grade and Preparing For High School}. It looks like we got snowed in and Scott made some coon skin hats. I enjoyed seeing pictures of our hamster (he passed away early December). 

March's most popular post, Just Checking In {March 31, 2014}
It seems we were really longing for spring weather in March! Caleb finally saved enough money to purchase his bow. We also went out for our first nature study of the year. 

April's most popular post, A Spring Daybook in April. We celebrated a long awaited Easter and looking at the pictures, spring must have finally came! A stray cat adopted us and stole our hearts (which were broken come December)! The First Nature Study of Spring was much loved!

May's most popular post, Evaluating the School Year {2013-2014}.
May was really busy! My blog posts are of full of pictures of Zebra and that was the best part of looking through them all. May turned out to be beautiful spring weather (which can be rare in Missouri). I think this post was my favorite from May either because of the pictures of the iris or cat! 


June's most popular post, 7 Quick Takes Friday {June 27, 2014}. We enjoyed some carefree days in June! Tyler celebrated his 10th birthday and I was deep into school planning.

July's most popular post, Our Plans {2014-2015 Term 1}July: fishing, outdoor play, garden veggies, sweet kitty, and a new school year!


August's most popular post, Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real {August 21, 2014}. We enjoyed some summer nature study, a trip to Kansas, evaluated our first month of school, and tried hard to get into a new school schedule. 


September's most popular post (and only post), Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real {September 11, 2014}September was our busiest month of the year. Too much to do but the good news is since Tyler will be a Boy Scout come March, this should be our last crazy September due to Cub Scouts!

October's most popular post, A Tuesday Daybook {October 28, 2014}. October brought nature study, the Feast of St. MichaelThis Week in LearningTerm 2 of the school year, more nature studyHalloween, and our first cross country season came to an end.


November's most popular post, 7 Quick Takes Friday {November 21, 2014}. Things settled down after a hectic fall season. Because of that I was able to work on recording our school days. The boys had a successful deer hunting season. We had family pictures taken too.

December's most popular post, This Week in Learning {Week 17}Advent came and went. We grieved the lost of our cat and the hamster. We welcomed a puppy into our family. Christmas celebrations were much welcomed and enjoyed (and continue). 


  1. Hey I remember all these posts:) So obviously I've been reading awhile:)
    Just checkin' in posts, that's a good title for those sorts of posts of which I also write lots. I'm planning what direction I want my blog writing to take next year too.

    1. Erin, thanks so much for stopping in and reading my blog! I enjoy reading your blog!


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