Friday, June 13, 2014

Late Spring Daybook {June 13, 2014}

(A daybook will take the place of my Friday 7 Quick Takes.)

Outside my window . . .
the sun! It's been rainy, cloudy, and cool a lot in the past two weeks. It was finally warm enough to go to the pool today. Too bad the water was freezing! I had no problem getting the boys out of the pool to go home though!

The garden is looking great! We my have some green peppers ready for picking any day now. Day Lilies are starting to bloom(another one of my favorite flowers).

I am thankful for . . .
a teenage boy who loves to work and get things done around the house. I no longer have to haul heavy bags of books from the car to the library or carry all the grocery bags up the steps from the basement garage. Need a pile of rocks moved? Caleb is the man boy to do it!

I'm also thankful for the many gifts God keeps providing. I was short for a bill and since then God has put the money in my hands to get it paid before it was due. It has been funny to watch the money come from places that I didn't expect or remember that someone owed me for something.  : )

Learning all the time . . . 
Uncovering the Logic of English has been a great book to read and learn from. I recommend it to anyone who has children who have yet to learn to read, anyone that thinks their children's reading or spelling skills could improve, or anyone with struggling readers or spellers. As an adult it will help with your reading and spelling too. And while we are at it, school teachers should read this too!  ; )

I am thinking . . . .
still about doing some painting this summer. I'm struggling to committing to such a big project and deciding color. 

Celebrating the liturgical year . . . 
I'm struggling with keeping our plans in place for a living liturgy. We need to work on a better routine and this is a goal for summer break. I need to get practices in order before the new school year starts. I started to read A Little Oratory and I'm loving this book. Unfortunately it is not the top book on my reading stack at the moment, but it will be very soon!  

From the kitchen . . . 
is not something I post too often but I was feeling pretty Suzie Homemaker today. I made Double Chocolate Muffins with breakfast and made Tyler's birthday campfire cake. Cooking is not my favorite unless it's easy and the two above are easy! If you use whole wheat flour in the muffins, add at least an extra tablespoon of milk; it seems dry otherwise.

I am working on . . . 
still school planning for the next year. My last packages finally arrived. It's been a good planning week in my head, but that is about it. I'm struggling with the writing it down part. I still plan to do most of my planning the last full week of this month. My schedule is cleared that week!!

I'm also working on the summer deep cleaning list. I got the living room done today; that was a last minute decision. I knew missing last week would get me out of the routine! Luckily the boys were a big help. Caleb cleaned the windows inside and out and Tyler helped me wipe down the walls. My knees thank Tyler!

I am praying . . . .
for sick family members, a few online friends and fellow bloggers, and a special intentions weighing on my heart. Please send me an email if I can pray for you too!

I am reading . . .
The Secret Garden just because I never have and it is recommended reading for all girls.
Pride and Prejudice on my Nook (when I remember!)
The Little Oratory (linked above)
Charlotte Mason's final book Towards a Philosophy of Education which I have read parts of before. I understand it much better this time around.
Uncovering the Logic of English (linked above)

I am listening to . . .
a ton of podcast lately! Too many as I keep getting them all confused. I need to slow down, but they are all wonderful! Sarah's Teaching From Rest were all excellent and so are her Read Aloud Revival

I am hearing . . . 
just distance sounds outside my house. The boys are out running. I decided to stay home and have some much needed alone time! I typically walk while they run . . . . just in case there was some confusion on that part!  ; )

Clicking Around . . .
Jen's Charlotte Mason Teaching Tuesday
Ignatius Press streaming videos, can't wait to view some of these!
Host Your Own Kids Poetry Tea Party from Pam @ Everyday Snapshots. Can't wait to have one of my own!

One of my favorite things . . .

A spoiled kitty who was let in the house three days in a row to nap all afternoon. (That habit was broken the last two days.) You would have thought this cat was dead except you could hear him purring! I'm sure he knew he would be left along if he pretending to be sleeping, but he was so content he couldn't help himself from purring!

A "new" basketball goal from a garage sale to replace the one we had that didn't go up high enough. Blessed with an awesome price!

A few plans . . .
celebrating Tyler's 10th birthday, enjoying another week of summer break, and preparing for Boy Scout camp/Mom's planning week.

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