Friday, June 6, 2014

7 Quick Takes {June 6, 2014}

1) I made it a goal for the summer to post a quick takes every Friday. Unlucky for you as they won't be too exciting!  ; )

2)In my last post I talked about how are days are going while on summer break. Some things have changed since then. First off, the weather! It's been cloudy and rainy the rest of this week. The temperature is nice, but it's too wet to be outside unless you put on your rubber boots! I also decided to not to a summer term. Instead we will start our new school year in July. I'll post about that later. Tyler and I are going to learn to sew this summer and the boys are participating in some summer reading programs.

3) Tyler has been attending our local nature center's day camp. He is really enjoying it! The running back and forth to town is out of my comfort zone. Today, I have to make an extra trip as they have a two hour slot for parents to attend.

4)I've been doing school planning in all my free time this week. Slowly getting through it! I have everything bought, but I'm still waiting on an order from two week ago. I'm a little disappointed in their shipping time. The book store was in Missouri, too. The weird thing is that the package was sent to Iowa when there is a USPS distribution station a half hour away from the book store. It wasn't a mistake either; the last time I ordered from them it went there too. I don't understand except that it adds a couple of days on my wait time. : (

5) I decided I needed matching bin to put next year's school books in to help with planning. I know I had a bunch of extra miscellaneous baskets and bins, but I started using them and it looked like chaos in my head. I went and got matching bins. I decided on these because they have a dry-erase label on them and the size would work for storage after their planning days were over. They are not very sturdy and it's been hard moving them around. They certainly can't handle much weight. I will most likely store Tyler's winter clothes in them afterwards, so they should be able to handle that. The baskets I had on hand would have handled the books better!  

6) Pictures from boys at play!

7) This boy turns 10 on Sunday! We are planning a party for him next weekend. Hopefully I will remember my camera and have a post of his celebration.

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