Friday, August 9, 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday-August 9, 2013

1. Scott and I had a little getaway last weekend at our favorite getaway spot, Bass & Baskets. Much needed relaxation was achieved!

2. We are taking next week off from school. We just need an extra week of summer and next week looks to be a good week for that.

3. The start of our school year is going really well. The tweaks have been small and workable. We haven't started Latin yet, but I think I'm going to use a different program and I'm just waiting to order that. I do need to sit down and put some time towards some small changes.

4. We are kid free again this weekend because the boys are going on a fishing trip with the grandparents. What will I do? (Said jokingly!) I've got some project I would like to work on. They will be out the door by the time this post is published.

5. The weather has just been weird! It has been cold (well cooler anyway) and rainy the past month. There are some hot and humid days in between, but it just feels all weird. We haven't been to the pool very much and it has been hard planning outdoor activities because the rain is very spotty and when it does hit it's a down pour. I can't remember the last time the sun has been out all day. I usually hate Missouri weather (but I tolerate it) and I'm not sure what to think about this. (It's raining at the moment!)

6. This week I did the dreaded task of going through clothes for the upcoming fall/winter season. It went good and we are well-stocked. I don't expect to have to get this stuff out for a long time (although see #5 above), but I do plan to do some shopping next week to take advantage of some good coupons I have to get a few items we need.

7. I miss this!
Last weekend I had a cup of coffee every morning we were staying at the B&B. I really enjoyed it! Reality is we don't even have a coffee maker at home and I require a lot of unhealthy added stuff to enjoy it. Bass and Baskets had a wonderful supply of creamer. I actually was mixing them together to make my own flavors and it was all good. I'm seriously debating again if we need to invest in a coffee maker. I bought one earlier this year but I took it back because it wasn't working correctly. I thought maybe it was a sign. I learned I'm going to have to get one of those expensive name brand one-cup makers to be happy. The cheap one was just junk!

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

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