2) Fishing was a little slow yesterday, but we did enjoy just sitting and enjoying the sounds of nature. The boys have a fascination with "Big Foot" and have been watching new episodes of a series they enjoy (Finding Big Foot we watch it on Netflix and I think it's from the Animal Planet channel) and so there was a lot of "knocks" and "whops" going on. Someone claimed to hear a answering "knock" and I just went along with it and said I heard it too. ; ) We enjoyed a running joke of me using the word "squashy" every time I was suppose to be saying "Saquatchy". I thought it was hilarious! Perhaps it would mean more if you've seen the show. ; )
3) I've had great luck lately in winning books on blog giveaways. Last week, I won Sacred Heart Books and Gifts giveaway on Jessica @ Shower of Roses. The book arrived yesterday and I'm pretty excited to read it this summer. I also won The Midnight Dancers by Regina Doman from Sweetness and Light Chesterton Press Giveaway. This book I have finished reading and can't wait to read some more from this author! Regina is a Catholic writer and rewrites Grimm fairy tales in the modern world for young adults.
4) It's funny how bubble blowing is a relaxing activity at any age! I grabbed a bottle of bubbles before going fishing and I'm glad I did since it was too hard to read with all the knocking and talking going on around me.
5) Last weekend all my boys heading out to the Pack and Troop Scout Family Camp Out. I stayed home! ; ) I had this extremely long to-do list of stuff that I've been putting off and being home alone would help that list a lot! That list was derailed when I discovered an ant invasion in one of our bedroom windows five minutes after the campers set out. I did get some stuff done over the weekend, the ant mess is taken car of, and the camp out went well (I helped to coordinate it so that was a relief). Here is a pictures of Tyler at the camp out during the fishing tournament. He won biggest fish, but I don't think this is the one that took that prize, lol!
6)I just took a look at the calendar for next week and it's completely clear! I can't believe it since this has been a busy month. Perhaps I will get some stuff checked off the summer to-do list!
7) Clicking around the internet this week and I've found some great things. Go check them out!
Jen @ Wildflowers and Marbles: Charlotte Mason Teaching Tuesday (there is a second posted too)
Pam @ Everyday Snapshots: Summer Reading Program
Sarah @ Amongst Lovely Things: Teaching From a State of Rest book is ready!
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!
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