Friday, October 17, 2014

Learning Notes~Week 12 {2014-2015}

This was our finally week of term 1! The boys worked on end-of-term examinations, math, and Language Arts only this week. Once they were done today we headed out to go ice skating at the homeschool session. (Side note-any local homeschoolers, there were only 2 families at the rink today! Great time to ice skate without the crowd!!)

Pictures are from the boys cross country meet this week. Caleb came in 12th and Tyler 88th (out of 140 something boys 5-8th grade).


Caleb~13 years~8th grade:

Caleb finished up week 6 of Writing With Skill and I'm not sure if he will admit it or not, but he is really enjoying this writing program. I'm liking it to because I don't have to lead it. It is self-teaching and I'm just there as needed for help and do the checking it over. 

In math, Caleb did lesson 16-19 in Saxon 8/7. We missed a day because I couldn't find a protractor. Perhaps I should buy one since this is not the first time this has happened. Yet, seeing that we don't have one perhaps that means there is no reason to teach that lesson?? Caleb had a few "ah-ha" moments this week in math!

I had Caleb take a keyboarding exam. He couldn't do it not looking at the keyboard but once I uncovered the keyboard, he only made three mistakes. I think he did fine. Experience and practice is all he needs now.

For US history, Caleb gave me an oral narration from his American Gun book. I asked that he pick a firearm and tell me everything he knew about it. He picked the Spencer Repeater and did a good job.

Caleb was able to give oral narrations on the Catechism questions on how to make a good confession and explain the Sacrifice of the Mass.   The Sacrifice of the Mass question was a little harder but the basic was included.

Caleb also worked on ALEKS, Fix It, All About Spelling, read in The Catholic Missourian for current events, read in Hittie Warrior, and read in Fellowship of the Rings.

Since Caleb was struggling with science I didn't ask for an examination in that subject. I did ask that he read sections in The Usborne Science Encyclopedia on those he read about in his science book that he needed some help in understanding.

Caleb has less exams than Tyler because I chose not to give him examinations on some of his religion and history books. He did more in language arts though this week and it took him longer to complete his day than Tyler.


Tyler~10 years~5th grade:

Tyler completed his history exam with an oral narration about The Cat of Bubastes answering the questions: Why did everyone want the high priest dead? Why was the death of the cat so bad? 

Tyler was able to answer the Catechism questions: What is Holy Communion and what is necessary to receive it worthily? Explain the Sacrifice of the Mass? Tyler struggled with the second question and decided he wanted to reread that lesson.

In science, Tyler was easily able to answer three discussion questions from his Health text. He wasn't able to answer the narration questions from the Kid's Weather Forecasting book. The reason for this is unknown as he enjoyed this book and it was a living book. His experience of his weather study was good so we will just let that go.

Tyler also completed narrations from A Life of Our Lord (Tell me about a story from the apostles training?) and St. Therese of Lisieux: The Way of Love (Tell me about Therese's journey to the Carmelites.)

Tyler also read in his geography book (Tree in the Trail), worked in Fix It, All About Spelling, Copywork, complete Saxon 5/4 lessons 41-44, and reading in his Narnia book. 

Both Boys
I asked for the map drill exam (North America) that they labeled everything they could remember from the past eleven weeks. Both boys did equally well and labeled all countries, oceans, and the states they they had learned so far. They had learned some of the Canadian Provinces but they both misunderstood and didn't label any on the exam. I was told they could remember about half of them, which I thought was great since I don't know any of them. Map Drill has been a mostly review this year (except the provinces of Canada).

In Morning Basket we read in Swallowdale (Tyler and I find this book much enjoyable!, Grammar Town, and Faith and Life. We were light on Morning Basket to allow time for examinations.

We are excited to be on Fall Break now! I have a lot of planning to finish before we start term 2 and I hope to get this done over the weekend to keep the week free for some other projects.

How did you week go?

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