It looks like my blog has a few viewers now and the spammers have finally gone away. I just wanted to let you know I'm having problems with Blogger and Google and they are one of the reasons I'm not posting too often at the moment. If I use Internet Explorer I can't change the size of pictures, but at the moment I can no longer log into google with Firefox (I could last week and I was able to adjust picture size with Firefox).
It is also the busiest time of the year for us. I hope that means I have a lot to blog about later this month or next. If I could just remember to grab the camera before leaving the house!
Have you tried Google Chrome because it's my favorite browser! It should work well for blogspot since they're both google things. And I do love the blog! Zack and I check it every week or two.
ReplyDeleteThanks Deanna! As of right now I have everything working. I had to clear my cookies several times. Next time I'm getting chrome.