Learning Notes is going to be short this week and a little bit of a different format. I'm short on time (as you can see below). The above picture is our November Little Oratory. The picture is The Child Samuel by Sir Joshua Reynolds as our reminder that the month of November is dedicated to Holy Souls in Purgatory and we need to pray for them.
Overall the week went pretty smoothly. Wednesday ended up being an "independent" day since we had an unplanned appointment in the morning and I decided to get done everything in town that I had planned to do after school instead of making two trips. It was a good thing too as it took much longer than expected and I wouldn't have gotten it all done after school. Thursday I wasn't feeling very well (allergies) and the boys had another independent work day. That did get us a little behind. We have a make-up day scheduled next week that will allow us to catch up.
I need to allow more margin in the day. Tyler has plenty of margin except when he is working with me. Caleb has hardly any margin! I will see what I can do to fix this.
I'm struggling in getting in Afternoon Basket. We did it once this week (Shakespeare-finished reading A Midsummer Night's Dream ) unless you count the days they played outside after school for PE. It does count but we didn't get the other activities done that were planned. Honestly, I'm mentally exhausted come 2:30 and doing one more thing is hard. Another thing to put on my list to think about. Perhaps doing it earlier in the afternoon. I really think if we work in some more margin I wouldn't be exhausted by the end.
So, I heard so many groans and moans when I pulled out the Grammar Town book that I haven't pulled it out again. I don't blame them. The book is not what I thought it would be. It's not bad but it's not enjoyable either, lol! It's grammar so I don't know what I was expecting! the boys find it confusing and I do a little too. This too is on my weekend to think about list.
Caleb is getting behind in science. The first two chapters of the Life Science book is just boring! They are really introductory type chapters. I wish I had read ahead and perhaps cut them or shorten them. It's a bad start! On the other hand there was an experiment and Caleb is enjoying that. I need to look ahead for next week and see if any changes need to be made to what we need to get done. (Is anyone keeping track of my weekend to-do list for me?)
I am really behind in keeping up reading for myself what the boys are reading. As you guess it, I need to catch up this weekend.
Tyler starts Chemistry next week and I haven't planned out lessons yet. Yep! More stuff to do this weekend.
The boys are bad about not giving me oral narrations. It is written in their planner and they know what narrations I need to hear and yet it's not getting done. I think we are going to need to fit in meetings at the end of the day so I go through their planner with them. Oh, I'm really going to be reworking that schedule this weekend!
Otherwise, as I stated first off, it really was a good week. I guess I should list some of that! Tyler rocked math and Caleb rocked history! Caleb loves his new history book!
It looks like I will be putting in many hours of overtime this weekend though.
How was your school week?
Really love reading your thoughts on what is working and not, do the same myself:) My week, well have yet to write up the little we managed