Thursday, September 11, 2014

Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real {September 11, 2014}

~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~
Every Thursday, at Like Mother, Like Daughter!

I've not been able to do much with the blog lately. Scouts, school, cross country, church fall festival duties, and just the normal stuff has been filling my time. Maybe I'll get around to some posts soon??

Here is what has been going on around here the past week in a random {pretty, happy, funny, real}.

Remember this project (take #7)? It is done and it was taken out for a test drive last Saturday. One of the new tires isn't holding air, so that needs to be fixed and a helmet needs to be bought. Saturday's test drive was slow and a straight line!

While at the family farm we did a little fishing. I actually had to put a jackets on in the evening.

Boys trying to find crickets to fish with.

Not much movement out there!

I finally caught a Bluegill. Tyler caught several though!

On Monday we headed back out to the farm for some nature study. Just a short hike and finished up our Morning Basket reading too. Tons of grasshoppers and many frogs were found. Also, a spider was found and I admired the White snakeroot that we found along the trail to the lake. My Missouri Wildflowers by Edgar Denison (fifth edition) says this flower killed Abraham Lincoln's mother! "This plant is the cause of 'milk-sickness'; it is poisonous to cattle and killed many early settlers who drank poisoned milk . . . "

Tuesday was the first cross country meet. Caleb had a tough race (maybe we didn't feed him enough that day, nerves, or maybe the rain) but still finished 13 out of 154 and Tyler surprised us with 84th (I missed him coming through the finish line because I didn't expect him so early). (I blurred out the faces at the starting line since I didn't ask permission from the parents to post a picture of their kids on my blog.)

It rained off and on the whole time there and the boys got rained on while running which was tough for Caleb since he wears glasses. There were several rainbows during the meet!

They aren't wet from sweat but from the rain. They are looking forward to their next race.

The funny for the week are the pictures I found on the camera of the cat while taking the above pictures off. I think Tyler took them.

"No, you are mistaken if you thought that was me in the shower!"

How was your week?
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